Flesh & Blood: Classic Battles Rhinar vs Dorinthe

Ref. FAB2201EN
Designed to welcome new players to the world of Flesh and Blood, Classic Battles: Rhinar vs Dorinthea includes two 40-card decks ready to play out of the box, Cold Foil hero and weapon cards, Rainbow Foil equipment, full art mentors, a quickstart playmat, and a 48 page illustrated lore booklet
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Designed to welcome new players to the world of Flesh and Blood, Classic Battles: Rhinar vs Dorinthea includes two 40-card decks ready to play out of the box, Cold Foil hero and weapon cards, Rainbow Foil equipment, full art mentors, a quickstart playmat, and a 48 page illustrated lore booklet telling the tale of these heroes and how their classic battle became stuff of legend.
A beautiful product for new players, casual gamers, collectors, and fans of Rhinar and Dorinthea alike.


  • 2 ready to play 40-card blitz decks
  • 2 Cold Foil heroes
  • 2 Cold Foil weapons
  • 8 Rainbow Foil equipment cards
  • An illustrated mini lore booklet
  • A quickstart playmat

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Título Flesh & Blood: Classic Battles Rhinar vs Dorinthe
Referencia FAB2201EN
Fecha de lanzamiento 03/06/2022
Editorial Legend Story Studio
Categoría Juego coleccionable
Colección Flesh and Blood
Idioma Inglés
Edad mínima recomendada 16 YEARS
Duración 90'
Número de jugadores 2 o +
EAN 9421905459648
PVP recomendado 49,99